Martin Hejda

designer's notebook

My name is Martin Hejda. And I’m a product designer. Self-proclaimed. No university degrees in design, no shiny awards. My mind has just always been swirling with ideas of inventing, innovating, improving, and “gadgeting” things around me. Visually. Functionally.
It took me a while to realize it was actually a product design. Bang! And perhaps out of the shock, some products have gradually come from my head into tangible existence.
Products I’d like to introduce to you in this online designer’s notebook.
Solid Mousepads
It´s generally believed that the primary intention behind inventing a laptop was to offer the computer to be carried around. The truth is that “around” actually means “to bed” as well. And that’s also where the idea of solid mousepads was born. Because the mattress isn’t the optimal surface for precisely operating a mouse.
Work anywhere as if you were still sitting at your office desk. Make your bed or sofa your new office.
It’s ok using a touchpad on your laptop when browsing the internet. But when, for instance, you’re creating graphics or gaming, using a mouse is definitely preferred. For the mouse to work precisely you want a hard, flat, and smooth surface. But sometimes you’re on the go. And sometimes you just want to take your laptop and sprawl out on the sofa or crawl into bed. The solid mousepad is a small working desk you can take anywhere with you.
A product design is an equation of three variables – a visual, a function, and a production process. The third variable remains hidden from a consumer, but for a designer, it is always a great challenge. The more so in a “small-batch” type of projects. Along with designing solid mousepads, a manual assembly tool was designed. As a matter of fact, it’s actually another product itself.
Would you be interested in buying the mousepad(s)? Please leave me a note via the contact form on this website. I will come back to you shortly with up-to-date price and availability information and we’ll arrange your order together. This allows me to plan on production as all my products are made “on-demand” in small batches. Thank you!
Tennis Scorekeeping Wristbands
I’m a passionate tennis player passionately losing track of the score in the heat of the game. And here the tennis scorekeeping wristband enters the court. Sure, it may be laughable compared to all those function-packed smartwatches. It only keeps my score.
On the other hand, it´s not a good idea to let the opponent keep it for you as impartiality is not guaranteed.
It’s surely not a thing for tennis pros. But for amateur club tennis players, it may be a big help. At this level disputes over score are nothing unusual, eventually spoiling all the joy of the game. Scorekeeping wristbands are to nip these disputes in the bud. They cannot compete with smartwatches in terms of the functions provided. But being single-purpose and “manual” is for their advantage in the end. It’s not quite comfortable to operate smartwatches while on the court – with sweaty fingers.
In the heat of the game, it’s easy to lose track of the score. Keeping it is not rocket science, but it takes one intense rally that makes you catch your breath and a scoreboard in your head goes suddenly blank. Win a point, move a slider to mark your current score, and always be on top of it. Don’t lose your focus. Don’t lose your points. Don’t lose your temper.
Would you be interested in buying the wristband(s)? Please leave me a note via the contact form on this website. I will come back to you shortly with up-to-date price and availability information and we’ll arrange your order together. This allows me to plan on production as all my products are made “on-demand” in small batches. Thank you!
Instant City Gloves
Yes, you can just wash your hands. Yes, paper tissue works pretty much the same. I know. You´re right! But I believe it’s the instant readiness and reusability giving it an added value. And sweatlessness (Is it an English word at all?).
Or you can use it when refueling your car. I do it. No smell of gasoline on the fingers. Nice!
With the coronavirus pandemic, demand for personal hygienic and protective supplies increased. And most of them being single-use, throwaway items. Instant City Glove is to offer an alternative – an instant, easy-to-use, and primarily reusable hand protection. It’s not only viruses though. It’s a dust bin lid, a gasoline nozzle, or a dog fetch toy you don’t want to smudge your hand with. Carry Instant City Glove around in your pocket, bag, or in your car. You’ll find a use for it before long.
It’s very convenient to use. You put it on and take it off in no time. Effortlessly. Just slip your hand in. Having Instant City Glove in a pocket or in your bag, just plunge your hand inside and take it out with a glove already on. Use your bare hand to touch your belongings, use your cell phone, or touch your clothes. Instant City Glove is here for the hotspots only.
Would you be interested in buying the glove(s)? Please leave me a note via the contact form on this website. I will come back to you shortly with up-to-date price and availability information and we’ll arrange your order together. This allows me to plan on production as all my products are made “on-demand” in small batches. Thank you!
Are you interested in any particular product? Are you positive about my work in general? Looking for a designer´s input for some of your projects and would you be so bold to give me a go? Would you like to give me a hug, rub me on my back, and say everything’s gonna be ok? Or do you just think I’m a dork? Please, drop me a note here.


My name is Martin Hejda. And I’m a product designer. Self-proclaimed. No university degrees in design, no shiny awards. My mind has just always been swirling with ideas of inventing, innovating, improving, and “gadgeting” things around me. Visually. Functionally.
It took me a while to realize it was actually a product design. Bang! And perhaps out of the shock, some products have gradually come from my head into tangible existence.
Products I’d like to introduce to you in this online designer’s notebook.

Solid Mousepads
It´s generally believed that the primary intention behind inventing a laptop was to offer the computer to be carried around. The truth is that “around” actually means “to bed” as well. And that’s also where the idea of solid mousepads was born. Because the mattress isn’t the optimal surface for precisely operating a mouse.
Work anywhere as if you were still sitting at your office desk. Make your bed or sofa your new office.
It’s ok using a touchpad on your laptop when browsing the internet. But when, for instance, you’re creating graphics or gaming, using a mouse is definitely preferred. For the mouse to work precisely you want a hard, flat, and smooth surface. But sometimes you’re on the go. And sometimes you just want to take your laptop and sprawl out on the sofa or crawl into bed. The solid mousepad is a small working desk you can take anywhere with you.
A product design is an equation of three variables – a visual, a function, and a production process. The third variable remains hidden from a consumer, but for a designer, it is always a great challenge. The more so in a “small-batch” type of projects. Along with designing solid mousepads, a manual assembly tool was designed. As a matter of fact, it’s actually another product itself.
Would you be interested in buying the mousepad(s)? Please leave me a note via the contact form on this website. I will come back to you shortly with up-to-date price and availability information and we’ll arrange your order together. This allows me to plan on production as all my products are made “on-demand” in small batches. Thank you!
Tennis Scorekeeping Wristbands
I’m a passionate tennis player passionately losing track of the score in the heat of the game. And here the tennis scorekeeping wristband enters the court. Sure, it may be laughable compared to all those function-packed smartwatches. It only keeps my score.
On the other hand, it´s not a good idea to let the opponent keep it for you as impartiality is not guaranteed.
It’s surely not a thing for tennis pros. But for amateur club tennis players, it may be a big help. At this level disputes over score are nothing unusual, eventually spoiling all the joy of the game. Scorekeeping wristbands are to nip these disputes in the bud. They cannot compete with smartwatches in terms of the functions provided. But being single-purpose and “manual” is for their advantage in the end. It’s not quite comfortable to operate smartwatches while on the court – with sweaty fingers.
In the heat of the game, it’s easy to lose track of the score. Keeping it is not rocket science, but it takes one intense rally that makes you catch your breath and a scoreboard in your head goes suddenly blank. Win a point, move a slider to mark your current score, and always be on top of it. Don’t lose your focus. Don’t lose your points. Don’t lose your temper.
Would you be interested in buying the wristband(s)? Please leave me a note via the contact form on this website. I will come back to you shortly with up-to-date price and availability information and we’ll arrange your order together. This allows me to plan on production as all my products are made “on-demand” in small batches. Thank you!
Instant City Gloves
Yes, you can just wash your hands. Yes, paper tissue works pretty much the same. I know. You´re right! But I believe it’s the instant readiness and reusability giving it an added value. And sweatlessness (Is it an English word at all?).
Or you can use it when refueling your car. I do it. No smell of gasoline on the fingers. Nice!
With the coronavirus pandemic, demand for personal hygienic and protective supplies increased. And most of them being single-use, throwaway items. Instant City Glove is to offer an alternative – an instant, easy-to-use, and primarily reusable hand protection. It’s not only viruses though. It’s a dust bin lid, or a gasoline nozzle, or a dog fetch toy you don’t want to smudge your hand with. Carry Instant City Glove around in your pocket, bag, or in your car. You’ll find a use for it before long.
It’s very convenient to use. You put it on and take it off in no time. Effortlessly. Just slip your hand in. Having Instant City Glove in a pocket or in your bag, just plunge your hand inside and take it out with a glove already on. Use your bare hand to touch your belongings, use your cell phone, or touch your clothes. Instant City Glove is here for the hotspots only.
Would you be interested in buying the glove(s)? Please leave me a note via the contact form on this website. I will come back to you shortly with up-to-date price and availability information and we’ll arrange your order together. This allows me to plan on production as all my products are made “on-demand” in small batches. Thank you!
Are you interested in any particular product? Are you positive about my work in general? Looking for a designer´s input for some of your projects and would you be so bold to give me a go? Would you like to give me a hug, rub me on my back, and say everything’s gonna be ok? Or do you just think I’m a dork? Please, drop me a note here.